Worthwhile Investments

We have all heard stories of amazing investments and tragic losses, especially in the stock market. Investing is not a new idea. As far back as we can observe, people have tried to increase their wealth. God cares about our investments! Matthew 6:20-21 But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. Jesus was obviously talking about money when he gave this instruction in the Sermon on the Mount. As we meditate on this passage, several things become clear. First, we should be using our money to further the kingdom of God. Every dollar we receive has potential to be used for God or for ourselves. We have a responsibility to use it in a way that pleases God. That may mean putting more in the offering plate, sending a child to Christian camp or school, helping the poor, or designating a ministry as beneficiary of a fund. All of these things are part of investing in eternity, but there is another element that we must not miss. In the Sermon on the Mount Jesus repeatedly pointed out the need for internalizing the commands of Scripture. It is not enough to obey outwardly. There is an inward spiritual way to obey the commands as well, and it is just as important in the eyes of God. Spiritual investment in heaven includes time and energy invested. Time given to God in reading His Word and prayer is never wasted but will pay dividends that we cannot truly measure in this life. Another way to invest in eternity is by giving our time and energy in ministering to others for Christ. God has called us to reproduce ourselves spiritually. (Matt. 28:19-20) This includes evangelism (sharing the gospel). Is there an unsaved individual that you are investing in? It also includes discipleship. Is there a Christian that you are investing in? Retirement accounts do not pay until retirement age, and investments in heaven will likewise pay off in the future, but with a permanence that is not matched on earth! So, the question is, “Are you investing in heaven?”

Rock Lake Baptist Church


  • Sunday School and Adult Bible Fellowship 9:15 a.m.
  • Morning Service 10:15 a.m.
  • Evening Service 6:00 p.m.


  • Adult Bible Study & Prayer   7:00 p.m.
  • Children and Teen Program   7:00 p.m.