Men in the church

This week we are taking 10 men from the church to the Men for Christ Rally in Iowa. (for information, click here)
We are anticipating a time of spiritual renewal and refreshment. We believe that God uses the men of the church to lead, and we need faithful men. These past couple of weeks, I have been singing Ron Hamilton’s Faithful Men over and over again. friend of mine conducting “Faithful Men”
I have also been praying that God will strengthen the resolve of our men to serve God in the church. Read more…

Easter is coming!

It is so exciting to anticipate Easter Sunday. This is the day that Christ rose from the dead, giving us the most observable evidence that there really is life after death. Yes, Lazarus was raised from the dead by Jesus in the days prior to the Last Supper and the Passover Week, but when Jesus rose from the dead, Read more…

Looking Forward

Christ said, “…I will build my church…” (Matthew 16:18) It is upon this statement that we are relying as we begin our ministry here in Jefferson County. We will do what we can to spread the good news of Jesus Christ, but realize that God is the Lord of the harvest, and the results lie with Him.