Rock Lake Baptist is 48 years old!

How much has happened in 48 years? Well, technology has changed our lives, with cell phones, the internet, computers and tablets. The Soviet Union collapsed. September 11 is no longer just another date in the year, but now is referred to as a time of tragedy and introduced us to Homeland Security. Abortion is legal and paid for with tax dollars. Much has happened in the USA and much has happened around the world. Much has happened at Rock Lake Baptist Church, also. 
48 years ago, Pastor Tessman started Rock Lake Baptiist Church to reach the community of Lake Mills with the life-changing gospel of Jesus Christ. His own personal testimony was remarkable, and people began to join and worship together. Since then, Pastors Diehl, Shore, Vawter, and Kobosh have shepherded the congregation here at Rock Lake, each using their own gifts and personalities to evangelize the lost and disciple believers. 
As the newcomer at Rock Lake, I have now been here six months as the Pastor. It has been surprising to me to see the legacy that is attributed to Rock Lake Baptist Church. Missionaries have been sent out from this congregation. Pastors are preaching the Bible each Sunday in Wisconsin, Illinois, and Minnesota that have Rock Lake Baptist Church as a part of their heritage. It has been thrilling and humbling to meet men of God that share with me how this church impacted their lives and encouraged them to serve the Lord. We should praise God for the good track record of Rock Lake Baptist Church. God has done great things here. 
Not only should we praise God, but we also should feel the burden to continue this legacy. Rock Lake Baptist Church has a role to play in Lake Mills, and in Wisconsin. We have been trained by godly men and stand on the shoulders of those who have gone before us. Today we have a job to do. We must continue to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ to the wonderful city of Lake Mills, and we must disciple believers to become like Christ in their daily lives. We also need to continue to train godly leaders that will go out into the world and preach the gospel, discipling more believers, and training more leaders. 
Let us praise God together for what He has done, but forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before,  let us lean into the yoke. We need to humbly press on in service to our great God. We are encouraged by looking back, but we cannot keep our gaze in the past. We must see the task before us. There are many unsaved people in our community that need to experience the new birth. We have people in our congregation that need encouragement, teaching and training. We need to grow in love and in the knowledge of God. As we rejoice in 48 years of solid service at Rock Lake, let us remember it is all for His glory and press on!